I've had a few busy and productive days.
I was MC at Open Mic 4th birthday where I also sang and played in a trio "Extra Groovy Feelin" and played guitar for a soloist.. The evening was a fundraiser for Raptor and Wildlife Refuge Of Tasmania run by Craig Webb, and we raised nearly $700 including calendar sales. Craig invited me to a private tour of the refuge, and I toddled off down to Kettering on Monday and was able to present him with the money then. He has an amazing project, and seeing several magnificent eagles was a highlight. A couple are nearly ready for release, but some need to stay at the refuge permanently as they would be unable to survive in the wild. Take a look at his website www.raptorrefuge.com.au and offer any support you can. Craig is currently building an education centre so that school groups can visit and learn about the human impact on raptors and other wildlife. The refuge is NOT open for public tours, but membership allows you to attend open days. The 2012 calendar is avaiulable for sale on the website. Oh, there should be another story and some pics in the Kingborough Chronicle this week. You can pick up copies in the Kingborough region or read it online at http://www.kingboroughchronicle.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=60&Itemid=83
The article pre-open mic is on page 3 in the August 26th edition.
As already mentioned, I performed and MCeed Friday night, and followed that up with lunchtime music on Saturday from 12pm -3pm at Brookfield Margate, then Sunday saw me performing more lunchtime music at Southern Lights Hotel in Kingston. Had Monday night off from Groovy Feelin rehearsals and will miss next week as well, as I'll be in Launceston for a show at Aldersgate Village (Aged care). That's after I do another lunchtime performance at Brookfield Margate THIS Saturday and take my crafts to Snug Market on Sunday.
Then the cycle continues with the Margate Wednesday Market, Brookfield lunchtime music Saturday etc.
I've got a date!!!!
Out for dinner tonight with my lovely husband Jeff and to see the 1st Kingston Comedy Bar show. Nice to have some time together! I took today off from the Wednesday Market to give my back pain a chance to ease, which it has. Chiropractor tomorrow, and I am so much better than I was 6 months ago.
Just as well, as I need all the help I can get to keep up with myself!!
Peace and love.
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